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The Best Natural Skincare Routine for Acne Prone Skin

Updated: Jul 25, 2023

Unfortunately, acne is not restricted to youth. You might still wake up with a large red pimple on your nose or a smattering of whiteheads on your cheeks. With so many products claiming to deep-clean your face and permanently eliminate acne, it can be difficult to reduce it to a simple, effective strategy. However, it is possible to have clearer skin by using the proper acne products and following a consistent skincare routine for acne. So we have decided to answer a very serious question for you, "what's the best skincare routine for acne?"

skincare routine for acne
Acne management routine

What is Acne?

In acne, hair follicles beneath the skin are blocked, causing inflammation. Pimple outbreaks are caused by clogged pores and excess sebum (oil that protects the skin from drying out). There are usually breakouts on the face, but they can also appear on the chest, back, and shoulders.

Acne usually goes away by the time a person reaches their thirties, but some people in their older years still have this skin condition.

What are the Types of Acne?

Acne can create a variety of lesions or pimples. Acne types include:

  • Whiteheads. Hair follicles that are clogged and remain beneath the skin, resulting in a white bump.

  • Blackheads. Clogged follicles that reach the skin's surface and open up. They seem black on the skin's surface because of air discoloration of the sebum, not because they are unclean.

  • Papules. Inflamed lesions that appear as little, pink lumps on the skin are painful to the touch.

  • Pimples or pustules. Papules with white or yellow pus-filled lesions at the base that may be red.

  • Nodules. Big, painful, solid lesions buried deep beneath the skin.

  • Severe nodular acne. Lesions that are deep, painful, and pus-filled.

What are the Causes of Acne?

Acne is thought to be caused by one or more of the following factors, according to doctors and researchers:

  • Excessive oil production in the pores.

  • Dead skin cell buildup in the pore.

  • Bacterial growth in the pore.

The following variables may enhance your chances of getting acne:

  • Hormones. An excess of androgens, male sex hormones, may cause acne. They naturally grow in both boys and girls during puberty, causing the sebaceous glands to expand and produce more sebum. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can also cause acne.

  • Family history. Researchers think you are more likely to have acne if your parents have acne.

  • Medications. Some drugs, including those containing hormones, corticosteroids, and lithium, can cause acne.

  • Age. Acne may affect people of all ages, although it is more frequent among teenagers.

How to Develop a Natural Skincare Routine for Acne?

Perhaps you are wondering, "what should my skincare routine be for acne?" As Dr. Perricone MD States: "Target all three causes of acne; Excessive oil, Bacteria and inflammation". The first thing you should do is examine everything you use on your skin and hair. The biggest mistake is using too many products and not reading the labels. Only natural facial products from reliable stores. Check for the phrases non-comedogenic, non-acnegenic, or oil-free on products to ensure that there are no greasy or pimple-causing substances. Next, regularly follow these Skincare routines for acne:

Wash Your Face Gently (Cleanse)

Though you may be eager to scrub your face hard, it might worsen matters. Many assume that acne is caused by an overabundance of dirt or oil on the skin, so they over-cleanse and over-exfoliate the skin. Although frequent washing is vital because acne is an inflammatory disorder, over-cleansing can harm the face and accelerate the process. In addition, it's vital not to over-strip the skin, as this affects the skin's protective barrier, which can result in more redness, uneven skin texture and tone, breakouts, and irritation.

In the morning, wash your face with a mild foamy cleanser. If you have whiteheads or blackheads, search for a cleanser that contains green tea or Kojic acid to slough off the compromised top layer of skin and remove dead skin cells before they become caught in your pores. Look for a cleanser containing benzoyl peroxide that targets surface bacteria if you have red, inflammatory acne.

It's crucial to remember that the manner you use to clean your skin is just as vital as the product, so avoid using rough washcloths, sponges, or other irritating materials. Instead, use the cleanser with a cotton pad or baby washcloth, being sure to use a clean washcloth each day to avoid wiping old dirt back into your face. You may also use your hands to rinse the cleaner away by splashing on enough water.

Use Toner

Wash your face generously with a good quality toner. It offers PH balancing characteristics that aid in maintaining the skin's acid layer, which is critical for clean skin! Acne-causing bacteria, for example, thrive in acidic, low-oxygen conditions when you use a decent toner high in antioxidants. Its ability to adjust and neutralize the skin's PH aid in keeping the acne bacteria at bay.

Apply an Acne Treatment Medication

If you used a gentle cleanser in the first step, here is your chance to spot-treat with something more effective. After washing, wipe your skin dry with a soft towel rather than rubbing it, and then use an over-the-counter acne treatment.

If you're using your acne medication and not seeing benefits, you should see a dermatologist who can prescribe a stronger drug.

Apply a Non-Greasy Moisturizer

When you have oily skin and blocked pores, moisturizer may seem unneeded, but the opposite is true. Moisturizers help you maintain the skin's oil production in balance. It also aids acne patients in tolerating acne treatments, which may be drying. The trick is to use non-comedogenic, oil-free moisturizers. Use a non-comedogenic moisturizer that contains natural oils to preserve collagen.

Apply Sunscreen

Sunscreen is an important step in protecting skin from UV damage, but if you have acne-prone skin, pick a sunscreen that won't clog pores or worsen breakouts.

Cleanse Again at Night

Use a surfactant-free cleanser to gently wipe away the makeup, oil, and debris collected on your face over the day. If you want to use a toner as a second step, ensure it's oil-free.

Apply a Bakuchiol Product Before Bed

You should do one more thing before bedtime to achieve clean skin. Use a Bakuchiol Cream or Retinol alternative product. Bakuchiol is a milder product that Retinol with the same effect and less irritation which minimizes wrinkles and unclogs pores (important for acne treatment). For adults, Bakuchiol is an

excellent multi-tasking acne prone skin management. It promotes cell turnover and regeneration while exfoliating keratinocytes, the cells on the skin's outermost layer. It also helps to clear pores and keep skin looking young by reducing and avoiding fine lines and wrinkles. Bakuchiol is gentle enough for any skin type. So you do not have to ease your skin into it. Bakuchiol is safe with no irritation for your skin.

Tips For Developing a Skincare Routine for Acne

  • Keep your skin care products basic. Too many products might cause skin irritation.

  • DO NOT over-scrub or exfoliate your skin. You might be tempted to scrape your acne away, but doing so will only worsen it. You don't want to damage your skin's protective barrier or upset its microbiota. Your skin, like your stomach and mouth, contains a microbiome.

  • DO NOT TRY EVERY Homemade facial mask and scrub you come across.

  • Maintain a clean face. Cleanse your face after working out.

  • Shower every day if you have oily hair.

  • DO NOT PICK OR PULL! This causes

further inflammation, infection, and irreversible scarring. Moreover, your hands contain oils and germs that can be transmitted to your face, exacerbating the condition.

  • Before applying any skincare or cosmetics, always cleanse your hands.

  • Wash your pillowcase regularly.

  • Cleanse your makeup brushes regularly.

  • Replace your towels and washcloths regularly. Pat your face dry gently.

  • Avoid using fragranced facial products, laundry detergent, or dryer sheets.

  • Apply an Ice Roller to your face daily for around 10 minutes. Before placing the Ice Roller back in the freezer, properly cl

ean it.

  • Have a well-balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, but don't be too hard on yourself if it's not perfect. Diet is simply one component of the puzzle, and adolescents, in particular, should not completely abstain from pizza parties with friends and the occasional slice of cake!

  • Keep yourself hydrated. It is important to keep your skin well hydrated at all times, even if acne treatments work on drying out the pimple.

  • Don't buy every acne treatment available to tackle the problem. Begin with one or two items and observe how they perform for a few weeks.

  • If you talk a lot on your phone, keeping your phone near your skin might create irritation, leading to acne. Use a loudspeaker and clean your phone with an alcohol wipe daily.

  • Your hair products may be causing hairline acne. For a few weeks, avoid using hair products to determine whether this minimizes outbreaks around the hairline. If you must use hair products, consider switching

to a soft, unscented brand.

  • Reduce your worries and get adequate sleep.

  • Please consult a doctor if you have serious acne.

  • Use sunscreen every day. Always use sunscreen to keep your skin protected. It's not just dangerous UV rays, but also environmental and air pollution, which cause havoc deep inside our pores, especially if you reside in a h

eavily polluted or congested city!

  • Use clean makeup. Makeup might also be a contributing factor to your breakouts. The fundamentals include not using expired cosmetics and cleaning your makeup brushes regularly. But traditional makeup frequently contains skin-irritating elements and toxins that aggravate your skin (and acne).

The Best Skincare Routine Products for Acne

You may be wondering what beauty products to buy now that we've reviewed the best skincare routine for acne. We've put together all the basics in our skincare kits to take the guesswork out of deciding which products to use.

Our products are perfect gifts for any occasion such as anniversaries, weddings, birthdays, or graduation. Make the best Christmas or Easter self-care gift box with our self-care kit. Most of our products are gluten-free and organic. Our products are handmade and picked from the best quality dried herbs from all around the world. Our products contain premium Saffron or natural scent from Cardamom from fields of India. Our unique Sefidab is the best natural peel and exfoliates mask made based on recipes from Greece, the Mediterranean, Iran, Persia, Turkey, Lebanon, and Egypt.

If you have questions about your dry skin or are unsure whether you have it, you can

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